AG dragged into Chilimas case

The drama sorrounding evidence against Vice President Saulos Chilima continued in the High Court of Malawi sitting in Lilongwe with a new twist that Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda has been summoned to appear before the court.

The Anti Corruption Bureau lead prosecutor Chrispin Khunga said the agency could not serve Chilimas defence team full evidence as the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) is refusing to release it.

Attorney General has been summoned at the high court over Vice Presidents case

Khunga who has had tough time to present the full evidence in four of the last appearances said he had served the MDF response to the Court and the Vice Presidentw Laywers.

Presiding Judge Redson Kapindu proceeded to order Malawi Defence Force ( MDF) to appear before the High Court through Attorney General (AG) to explain specific reasons for refusing to furnish ACB with documents.

Chilimas lawyers have been given to file notice within two days and serve the Attornery General and the MDF. The court is yet to set the date for the hearing.

Khunga said the MDF  refused to give the letters to the bureau stating they are matters of national security hence classified.

Sattar had contracts with the military selling them guns and  the crowd control tanks the former MDF Commander Vincent Nundwe said were imposed on them.

Chilima’s lawyer Bright Theu  said theb ACB was not being sincere as it could have used its legal powers under the Corrupt Practices Act( CPA) to force compliance .

The Vice President is attending his court hearing.

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