Chakwera holidays in RSA as Cyclone ravages Malawi

At least six people have been killed and hundreds of home ravaged by cyclone Freddy as Malawis globe trotting President Lazarus Chakwera remains outside the country.

The President was reported to be in South Africa where he landed on Saturday according to our sources, after staying in Qatar from the 2nd of March.

The Cyclone whose notice was issued about three weeks ago has led to massive flooding and high density towns in Malawis commercial capital of Blantyre and other sorrounding districts.

Cyclone Freddy hit Malawi on Saturday and roads, electricity poles and houses have been damaged across the city.

Blantyre City Council has been updating the country on roads conditions.

Social media is awash with photos of damage and on Monday morning Soche Hill was reported to have burst and flooded. 

Government is yet to spring into action.

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