Chilimas case moves to Financial Crimes Court

Vice President Saulos Chilima’s case in relation to Zuneth Sattar, a Malawian born British Arms dealer, has been committed to the High Court.

The matter will now be handled by the newly minted Financial and Economic Crimes Division of the High Court.

Chief Resident Magistrate Madalitso Khoswe Chimwaza made the committal during an court session where direction on the case were being given in Lilongwe.

Chilima and his wife Mary attended the court session.

Chilima is alleged to have received over K280 million from Sattar to facilitate contracts in relation to the Malawi Defence Force.

The committal quashes wider speculations by the Vice Presidents supporters that the matter could be dropped.

There are reports that Minister of Justice Titus Mvalo is spearheading a political trade off to have Chilimas case dropped and MCP senior officials not being taken to task.

A senior lawyer however says Chilima needs to be exonerated by the Courts, as dropping the charges will seen as political and would damage his 2025 presidential bid.

“If the court says you are not corrupt, that’s a clean slate for him that could see him become the next president. If it is dropped due to politics MCP can use the same to taunt him that he is corrupt. He is safe with the court,” advised a lawyer.

Chilima is widely accredited to have ended the DPP  reign when he paired with MCPs Lazarus Chakwera and he could become a Kingmaker or the King himself in 2025 as the population is angry with poor performance of Chakwera who has largely sidelined him.

The Anti Corruption Bureau has so far arrested nine people out of 83 suspected to have recieved money from Sattar

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