Chizuma Arrest Part 2: MCP scared of impeachment

The committee of five that engineered the  arrest of the Anti-Corruption Bureau  (ACB) Director General Martha Chizuma, has convinced  President Lazarus Chakwera that if she is not stopped, Chizuma will collapse the administration.

The political theory presented by those running away from corruption is that if Chizuma arrests the group of senior MCP figured including three cabinet Ministers, the opposition will gang up.

“They say that after the MCP gurus are arrested, a vote of no confidence will be tabled by the DPP, UDF and UTM demanding a referendum which could result in this Government collapsing,” said one of the persons who was trying to justify ACB DGs arrests.

A referendum would require a two thirds majority and even if all parties combine they would still need a few MCP rebels making the whole plot a fallacy as the party has one of the most loyal robotic followers.

The MCP believes donors are involved in the plot.

The nearest political challenge for MCP could come from the UTM as the party has maintained it has a legally binding agreement signed by President Lazarus Chakwera and Vice President Saulos Chilima whose witnesses are Former President Joyce Banda, Justice Minister Titus Mvalo and Lawyer for Chilima who is former Attorney General Chikosa Silungwe.

The second theory being advanced is that listening devices were discovered in Kayunis office (We could not verify this) and ACB is working to deal with everyone  mentioned.

Malawi is not a  stranger to political theory that boarders on absurdity, in 2008 four serving senior military officials and former inspector General of Police were arrested for allegedly plotting to “over throw” then President Bingu wa Mutharika administration. 

The case became a joke after the allegedly plotters had to introduce themselves to each other. The State prosecutor’s had minutes of their “coup planning meeting.”

The second plot involved then Vice President Joyce Banda and Khumbo Kachali whom the DPP accused of plotting to overthrow Bingu wa Mutharika by starting chaos at a party meeting which would result in violence and someone would shoot  the President.

Two people were arrested included respected Harry Thompson, former Chikwawa North MP and former Thyolo West MP Roy Commsy for having licensed fire arms. The cases disappeared and Banda and Kachali were expelled from the DPP.

Other cases included a motion to impeach Mutharika in 2005 presented by then Balaka North legislator Lucius Banda which DPP hit back at the music icon and sent him to jail for unrelated education matter.

We will keep updating this story…. buy our Magazine ar to understand the depth of corruption in Malawi.

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