DPP presents a united front…. From parliament to Mangochi

By iDigital correspondents.

The erstwhile ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held its first public rally with its leader and former President Peter Mutharika and all other factions in Mangochi, where the party leader declared it will soon or in 2025 reclaim power.
The rare show of unity in the party started on Friday in Parliament when senior party leaders and members of parliament aligned to Mutharika attended a press briefing by Leader of the Opposition and DPP vice President Kondwani Nankhumwa.
Nankhumwa said Malawi’s democracy was under threat as the MCP-led government is failing to account for many things including the report by Joint Parliamentary Committee Investigating the Affordable Input Programme which saw government pay dubious middlemen K750 million for undelivered fertilizer.
Mutharika addressing his first political rally since he moved out of State House in June 2020, said the government of President Lazarus Chakwera has failed Malawians and the country needs resolute leadership to manage the crises it is facing.
“The way things in Malawi are at the moment, there is a likelihood that the current government might not make it to 2025. There is a lot that shows these people have failed,” charged Mutharika to a sizeable crowd.
The former President described Chakwera as a “President but not a leader” wondering why he had wanted to lead the nation when he had no idea how to govern.
He said at the present rate, it was very unlikely that the MCP could be voted back into power or might “collapse before 2025” as everything in Malawi was falling apart.
Mutharika said the party was united under him and that divergent views in the party were not divisions but freedom of expression. This according to our fact check is not a correct position as Nankhumwa and others were saved by the courts to retain their positions after the party replaced him both at the party level and in parliament alongside Secretary General Gleselder Jeffrey.
The former president said his party will improve the economy within six months of regaining power.
Apart from Nankhumwa the front row had Bright Msaka, Goodall Gondwe and Joseph Mwananvekha.
Our Analysis
By Political Editor
The coming out of Mutharika could signal a shift in DPP politics as the party starts working towards 2025. With the massive economic crises including fuel, forex and electricity and the issues surrounding the Affordable Inputs Programme, President Lazarus Chakwera’s political honeymoon could be over. The DPP has the capacity to fight political battles in and outside parliament, unlike other parties.
With 50 +1 affirmed in Parliament last week, a united opposition could mean the end of the MCP return, unless the party stops its corrupt, inept and indecisive leadership and start delivering. 2025 elections might have started with the Mangochi rally. 

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