Ex-DPP Steve Kayuni case discontinued

Former Director of Public Prosecutions Steven Kayuni is free from being prosecuted in relation to the K5 million allowance case, the Anti Corruption Bureau has confirmed.

The ACB says Kayuni’s successor Masauko Edwin Chamkakala discontinued the case, hence it no longer exist.

In an interview on a range of questions to be published in our second edition out in May 2023, The ACBs Principal Public Relations Egrita Mdala said the warrant of arrest fell off.

“The DPP called for the case file for Dr Kayuni to review it. Following that review, the DPP discontinued the case. This means that the warrant of arrest fell off,” said Mdala.

The disgraced Commission of Inquiry on the arrest of ACB Director General Martha Chizuma revealed that Kayuni had pushed the Police to arrest her after the ACB obtained a warrant of arrest to arrest him for funds for a trip he never undertook to Austria in June 2021.

He repaid the allowances, according to Ministry of Justice officials.

His warrant of arrest was widely shared on social media.

Kayuni was subsequently removed  as DPP but relocated as Principal Secretary for Legal at the Ministry of Homeland Security.

The end of Kayuni’s case marks a closure to one of most intense infighting between government justice delivery agencies that started with arrests related to UK businessman Zuneth Sattars bribery cases.

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