Fix cells, you will end up there soon- Ben Phiri

Thyolo Central MP Ben Phiri has told government side in parliament to “fix cells” at Police units as they will end up there soon.

Contributing to a debate on development budget allocation for the Malawi Police Service saying the sanitary conditions need to be improved.

Deputy Speaker of Parliament Hon Madalitso Kazombo, MP

“Having graduated from Kanengo cells and considering that a few of my colleagues that side will be going there shortly, I thought it is important..” said Phiri who  was interrupted and had an exchange with Deputy Speaker Madalitso Kazombo.

Kazombo: Hon Member you know we are a house of records?

Ben Phiri : Yes Sir.

Kazombo: Lets not be prophets of doom.

Ben Phiri : It’s a house for men, men can always go there..

Kazombo : No no no dont eish others badly, you are a man of God ..

Ben Phiri: On a serious note I am talking of toilets.

Kazombo : Listen, Chair speaking the Bible says whatever we speak we create, because we have that powe, man of God….

Ben Phiri : No no on a serious note I am saying the toilets that side are no palatable.

Parliament is conducting midterm review of the budget.

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