MHC staff start strike today

Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) are on Monday expected  to start an indefinite sit it to force management to clear their pension arrears with their fund manager Old Mutual.

MHC owes K616 million in pension arrears for  its workforce of about 514 and these arrears have accumulated  over the years.

The malaise in paying what has been deducted from employees and its contribution  has seen 17 families of workers who died in recent years failing to access their benefits rendering them destitute.

“My children were pulled out of school, it has been years coming here and nothing is available. We are suffering” one of the widows of former MHC employees told us pleading with MHC management to consider their calamity.

She added, “they are behaving as if ndi amuyaya (live forever) death is death, they could die today their families will join us in suffering if they think pensions or life benefits are a privilege.”

Workers Union Chairperson Benson Jere refused to speak to The Investigator Magazine saying he was “tired of repeating the same things to the media.”

Lilongwe offices closed also in solidarity with their fellow staff

MHC spokesperson Ernestina Lunguzi did not respond to our questions about the impending strike despite sending them on Thursday last week.

Our source in Blantyre accused management led by Jordan Chipatala of playing “yoyo” with lives of staff and that they would press on with the strike.

Mzuzu offices are closed

“We know they want a meeting with the Union but that is their business. We are closing shop come Monday,” said a source who leaked some of the groups whatsapp discussions where Voice Notes in support of the strike were shared.

The Investigator Magazine will be updating the story the whole day today on the strike.

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