Mkaka, Kaliati, Katsonga, Kazako, Mtambo and Mbawala, Chinsinga fired from Cabinet.

..Zikhale Ng’oma, Kunkuyu, Uchizi Mkandawire and Simplex Chithyola in

..Wilima, Gumba, Harry Mkandawire, Chang’anamuno promoted 

…Chapota, Chomanika new deputies

President Lazarus Chakwera has released his much awaited cabinet which has reduced cabinet by five members and abolished one Ministry, that of National Unity.

The President has also sacked his Natural Resources Minister Eisenhower Mkaka, Mining Minister Albert Mbawala, Timothy Mtambo who held the National Unity office, Gospel Kazako for Information, Local Government Minister Blessings Chinsinga,  Gender Minister Patricia Kaliati and Trade and Industry Minister Mark Katsonga Phiri. Agnes Nkusankhoma has been fired as Deputy for Gender while John Bande has been fired as Deputy Water Minister.

The midnight Cabinet released at 12.05am has now 27 Ministers from 32 which is still higher than the promised lean ministers.

The New Ministers are as follows:

1.. President of the Republic of Malawi, Commander-in-Chief of the Malawi 

Defence Force, His Excellency Dr. Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera.

2. Vice President of the Republic of Malawi, Right Honourable Dr. Saulos Klaus 


3. Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Hon. Sosten Gwengwe, MP.

4. Minister of Foreign Affairs – Hon. Nancy Tembo, MP.

5. Minister of Agriculture – Hon. Sam Kawale, MP.

6. Minister of Natural Resources and Climate Change – Hon. Michael Usi.

7. Minister of Local Government, Unity, and Culture – Hon. Richard

Chimwendo Banda, MP.

8. Minister of Justice – Hon. Titus Mvalo.

9. Minister of Homeland Security – Hon. Dr. Ken Zikhale Ng’oma, MP.

10.Minister of Health – Hon. Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda, MP.

11.Minister of Trade and Industry – Hon. Simplex Chithyola, MP.

12.Minister of Youth and Sports – Hon. Uchizi Mkandawire, MP.

13.Minister of Education – Hon. Madalitso Wirima Kambauwa, MP.

14.Minister of Transport and Public Works – Hon. Jacob Hara, MP.

15.Minister of Mining – Hon. Monica Chang’anamuno, MP.

16.Minister of Tourism – Hon. Vera Kamtukule.

17.Minister of Gender – Hon Jean Muonaowauza Sendeza, MP.

18.Minister of Labour – Hon. Agnes Makonda Nyalonje.

19.Minister of Defence – Hon. Harry Mkandawire.

20.Minister of Water and Sanitation – Hon. Abida Mia, MP.

21.Minister of Energy – Hon. Ibrahim Matola.

22.Minister of Lands – Hon. Deus Gumba, MP.

23.Minister of Information – Hon. Moses Kumkuyu.

24.Deputy Minister of Local Government, Unity, and Culture – Hon. Owen 

Chomanika, MP.

25.Deputy Minister of Health – Hon. Halima Alima Daud, MP.

26.Deputy Minister of Education – Hon. Nancy Chaola Mdooko, MP.

27.Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation – Hon. Liana Kakhobwe Chapota, 


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