National Hall of Fame

The names are those nominated and a selected panel will choose the winner. The public can only comment and their views will be submitted to the panel. There is no voting. Those that are named as winners in each category will have their profiles published in the second edition of The Investigator. Those nominated and the special mentions will appear on the National Hall of Fame Digital Museum until the establishment of the NHF centre.

Politics and Governance Award

  • Ms Martha Chizuma, Director General, Anti-Corruption Bureau      : She has been the symbol of Public Accountability in an extremely volatile and unfriendly public and political environment. Abused, arrested and castigated by the corrupt, she continues to represent the Malawian in the village. She is a champion of good  governance in practice.
  • His Excellency the President, Dr Lazarus Chakwera, President of the Republic of Malawi : Despite being late at times and failing to honour most of things he promises to do in governance, President Chakwera makes to the list for being to act on some of tough scandals to engulf his administration. He has shown capacity to confront even his closest aides and been able to allow agencies do their job. His administration has managed to increase funding to government institutions and he passes on as someone who will listen to the public even when it does not suit his political interests.
  • Joshua Chisa Mbele, Citizens Against Impunity.and Mr Stanely Onjezani Kenani, Political and Social Commentator : They have provided the bench mark of political alternatives and at times made personal sacrifices to hold office bearers accountable. They remain steadfast in their voices for the voiceless.
  • Hon. Ashems Christopher Songwe, MP. Likoma & Hon Peter Dimba, MP -Lilongwe South ;  Their leadership in Parliament has been outstanding. They have spoken against excesses and defended the laws that serve  the interests of Malawians. They are, along many legislators  the law makers that give the Malawi parliament  strength as a body of representatives.
  •  Ms Helen Buluma, former Acting CEO for NOCMA; she has confronted the powers and political excesses regarding fuel procurement. She has refused to break the law and where required informed Malawians who is behind recklessness.

Special mention;

Whistle blowers: Special group of Malawians that have continued to expose shady deals that those in power engage against the interests of Malawians. They are serving and protecting interests of the public.

Human Rights, Disability and Service to Humanity

  • Chimwemwe Chijozi : A Human Rights lawyer who has taken some of the most difficult  cases. She has remained one of the key defender of human rights in Malawi.
  • Malawi Human Rights Commission : The institution has increased its visibility in defence of human rights, its investigations and reports have added value to the work of defending human rights for all Malawians.
  • Bishop Martin Mtumbuka

Media, Public Education Services

  • Platform for Investigative Journalism; Investigative stories for social, political and public accountability that exposes the issues affecting Malawians at all levels including the most vulnerable in orphan care centres.
  • Joab Frank Chakhadza; has been a voice that tackles society issues, including those that are deemed controversial in different sectors including witchcraft and other beliefs. Joabs  probing nature provides both information and education to wider Malawian audiences.
  • Zilipati programme by Malawi Institute of Journalism Radio; a public interest programme that is working to make a difference and probe issues that affect Malawians.

Government and Public Services

  • Kamuzu Central Hospital
  • The Ombudsman, Hon Grace Malera

National Service to Arts and Entertainment

  • Lucius Banda
  • Charles Joyah
  • Micheal Usi
  • Mr Jokes
  • Joyce Mhango Chavula

Special mention

  • Driemo
  • Piksy
  • Sukez

Institution of the Year

  • The Anti-Corruption Bureau ; The ACB has been one of the key institutions that has worked hard tó safe guard the resources Malawians contribute as táx. The institution has lived tó its billing as a governance institution. 
  • The Ministry of Health- Covid-19 and Cholera fight ;  The Ministry continued its efforts to contain Covid 19 and now cholera. The public education and house to house approaches to deliver Covid 19 and cholera vaccines have seen increased uptake. The Ministry despite serious financial challenges that have affected operations of several hospital continues tó deliver much needed services to Malawians.
  • Platform for Investigative Journalism; -it has been a rare voice in exposing abuse of public resources and the abuse of the most vulnerable. The PIJ has been able tó write what most commericial and political aligned media outlets cannot touch. 
  • The Malawi National Assembly ; Parliament has had a mixed period, but most the business transacted áré tó the level of defending public interests. Parliament has managed tó bring and pass pensions bills amendement, held public inquiries on the most issues or urgency and recieved petitions from the public on issues affecting them.
  • Archdiocese of Lilongwe; In deciding to purchase a Bank, the Church displayed a rare outside box thinking thát could changé the role it plays in the economy. The church has demonstrated to Malawians they can do or be more. 

Malawian of the Year

  • Martha Chizuma
  • Kondwani Kachamba Ngwira 

            Bishop Martin  Mtumbuka

Malawian to Remember

  1. Wambali Mkandawire

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