…CEO Kanyama under pressure from Zamba
…Minister Hara, MERA duck press briefing
…Chakwera stands by Zamba- not going anywhere
In ancient Chinese empires corruption and theft by public officials was punishable by death, while in the Bible saying what was contrary to the public was punishable by stoning or hanging. Jesus and Stephano were killed for what was thought to be lies against the official religion.
In Malawi, a country headed by an ordained Reverend of the Assemblies of God, officials lying and attempting to steal from the already empty public coffers are sent to tell more lies, defend corrupt deals and declare proudly that the deal will go through. They even arrange press briefings on Sunday, considered a Holy Day by most Christians, to churn lies and defend corruption.
The first reaction to one the largest financial hit on public coffers- K1.5 trillion, Chief Executive Officer of National Oil Company (NOCMA) Clement Kanyama told lies, created new lies and when cornered he rightly told the press- ask President Lazarus Chakwera’s office or catch up with Jacob Hara, another pastor and Minister of Transport who has usurped the procurement committee in his Ministry to start procuring fuel.
Mr. Kanyama also failed to disclose that he had invited the fake Sheikh company in a restricted tender to bid for the fuel. He has boldly announced the 250,000 metric tons deal will proceed- whether Malawians are shocked, dismayed or not. Zamba rules Malawi.

But the NOCMA CEO Kanyama was right, he spoke about what the they were supposed to do, but not what had happened. He had to speak because his boss- Colleen Zamba the all powerful “Prime Minister” of Malawi had dressed him down accusing him and his Secretary of leakage of documents related to the scandal that will define the presidency.
Kanyama is being hounded alone, what about Hara and what about Secretary for Agriculture Medrina Mloza Banda who signed off 600,000 tonnes of fertiliser to this bogus Sheikh, whose name has changed again. Kanyama has a different name from that of an MOU Zamba signed herself.
Lie 1: NOCMA has not agreed to anything from Hara
CEO Kanyama lied to Malawians that NOCMA is waiting for the Ministry of Transport and Public Works to obtain a licence before it starts working on the G.E.T fuel supply contract. Zamba’s letter on 28th August, signed on and on behalf of NOCMA reads;

“NOCMA hereby confirms that the following activities will be effectively and efficiently carried out.”
Zamba nor Hara’s August 27th letter does not mention anything to do with licenses as concocted by Kanyama which would be a criminal offence for a public officer to provide right information.
Lie 2: Fake Dubai agreement includes Fuel
Lies and coverups produce hilarious outcomes. The MOU single handedly by Zamba does not mention any fuel supply but energy projects that mainly focuses on “renewable energy, especially in the solar technology and smart meters.”

Kanyama’s statement deliberately cut the energy transformation, presenting false information t o the public that the MOU, which would be illegal as Zamba has no backing of the law to enter any contract on behalf of Government, especially areas which are not under her domain.
Lie 3: There are two Sheikhs, the one on MOU is different from the one on NOCMA Statement
Malawians should be alarmed as NOCMA and Zamba are talking to two different people for the same deal. The Investigator Magazine insists they are both fake Sheikhs and they can’t be produced for due diligence or questions by the public.

In their hurried nature to cover their tracks. SPC Zamba documents and those from Ministry Agriculture show the fake Sheikh as H.H. AHMED AL-QASSIMI who uses the fake website while in his official statement to the media- NOCMA CEO Kanyama says they met and discussed with SHEIKH SAUD BIN SAQR AL QASSIMI.

These are two different people- the other is the ruler whom NOCMA says it signed a deal with in 2021, while Zamba MOU and expression of interest shows the other. Let’s hope they can craft a new lie after this confusion.
Lie 4: Emergency need for fuel, Sheikh was to be given 60% of NOCMA imports
Painfully crafted lies by NOCMA on the need to give the Fake Sheikh Al-Qassimi contract, Kanyama claims there was a sort of emergency need to cover supplies. He however gave the press interesting data that shows that in 2023/2024 only two new players were awarded fuel supply contracts, the rest were carried over from the previous year.

Addax was given 186 489.30 metric tons, while Hass got 8- 849.30 metric tons. The other three were Carmel Oil, Augusta and Hapco.
While the CEO spoke of the emergency necessity of having the Sheikh contract- all the suppliers had passed 50% supply mark with Hapco delivering 102 percent, seconded by Addax with 89% and Carmel Oil with two contracts one 21% and other other 57% and last was Augusta with 10% in March this year. Supply in most cases surpassed the target.

What Kanyama did not say was the fake Sheikh Al-Qassimi would get 60% of the 438 495.00 metric tons a bizarre decision that should have raised flags as it was to be given 250,000 metric tons of fuel supply.
“The risk Zamba puts on the country is enormous. What if this company collapses or has difficulties, Malawi could be left dry. The greed in looking for where to eat can explain this type of thinking to award one company with no track record in the country,” says a private energy sector player.
NOCMA imports 50% of national requirements and the other is done by Petroleum Importers Limited, a private coalition which does not face scandalous NOCMA attempts to bring in fake suppliers to enrich some public officials and politicians. Fuel should be imported by retailers, it will cut such wanton attempts to steal.
If this emergency lie does not hold, the suppliers are still supplying above targets. This is an excuse nobody should replay in public.
Lie 5: Payment in kwacha, yes, but cash advance from cash strapped NOCMA
Trying to sound as if the high placed heist is good for the nation, CEO Kanyama told the nation that it has included payment in kwacha as one of the conditions for companies to get contracts. Or something like the fake Sheikh offered to receive Malawi kwacha.

The restricted Tender documents show that the payment in kwacha has an added advantage, a departure from international standard 90 days based on Letters of Credit.
What Kanyama and Zamba don’t want us to question is that according to Sheikh Al Qassimi, who will receive his hefty oil kwachas at a forex bureau called QLV Digital FX with an account at National Bank of Malawi at least half of each consignment in advance.

SPC Zamba and Mr. Kanyama want to fool Malawians that there is a benefit of paying for goods not delivered whilst the other suppliers get letters of credit and have 90 days to get their payment, which allows NOCMA to pay after selling the fuel.
Only Madame Zamba and Mr Kanyama can explain the benefit for a business to pay before delivery when an option to pay after sales makes more economic sense- Malawi kwacha or Zim dollar or Nigerian Naira!
Lie 6: Sheikh invited in restricted tender for 2024/2025 to regularise theft
In his panic after his Secretary was arrested on Zamba’s order and in an attempt to regularise the exposed irregular order to Sheikh Al Qassimi, NOCMA on September 16, while we published the story of the Fake Sheikh deal- NOCMA issued a restricted tender.

On Sunday, the now honest CEO Kanyama accidently forgot to mention who they had invited for this restricted coveted tender. The Investigator Magazine had a privilege of getting the tender invite and number 9 on the list is Sheikh Ahmed Al Qassimi.
In his invite, it says reputable oil companies when Al Qassimi has never supplied fuel to anywhere in the world.
The problem with lies- Mr. Kanyama mentioned a wrong Sheikh during his briefing, yet he knows he sent the restricted tender to the Zamba Sheikh, Who is fooling who, only time will tell.
Lie 7: G.E.T has capacity- who checked
CEO Kanyama pushed questions on G.E.T to Minister Hara and jumped the wall, claiming nothing could be done until the license was granted. He forgot to explain that the company as verified by The Investigator Magazine is dormant and only worth K6,000 (six thousand Malawi kwacha).

The company according to UK company house has been dormant since its formation in 2022 and it would be strange for Kanyama and Zamba to make Malawians believe suddenly is a “reputable supplier.”

The contract and similarities that deposits in kwacha shows the same people are behind such suspicious deals. State House adviser to President Lazarus Chakwera could be a key in our fourth part as it links with a Gold mine in Kasungu.
Lie 8: No transactions yet- Hara gave an account number
CEO Kanyama has a copy of a letter Zamba signed on top to “expedite urgently” and that process had started in real time. The letter from Minister Hara has the purported agent of G.E.T Global – Option Malawi with an account number at Standard Bank of Malawi where proceeds from sale of fuel should be deposited.

Therefore it is a lie to claim there has not been any movement of on its part as both Sheikhs deal Eco Bank was approached to authorise guarantee for payment while Hara provided an account for transactions.
Zamba accordingly told Kanyama to “expedite urgently”.

But as he says in his statement NOCMA is proceeding with the fake sheikh! Too many contradictions. Caught lying again and again.
Lie 9: No money spent- G.E.T says its fuel paid for in Mozambique
Either Zamba and Kanyama are dumb or they are habitual liars, on Friday 6th September 2024 whilst trying hard to defraud Government, Mr. Roy Miller allegedly wrote to Minister Hara that fuel had already been paid for in Mozambique- meaning there was full commitment from Malawi to settle the bill.

Mr. Kanyama rumbled about a licence- bwana, the dormant company which has K6000 assets states in this letter it has paid for your fuel.
Lie 10: Procurement rules were followed- No minutes from IPDC, only letters
Finally, none of the transactions have gone through IPDC’s as per law. Zamba, Hara, Kawale, Mloza Banda the originators of these transactions. That is illegal, very illegal. Ministers are not IPDC’s.
Chaponda calls for Zamba, Vera Kantukule and Hara’s head- time to go unless
George Chaponda Leader of Opposition attempted to procure maize for the hungry without following procedures. Money was never paid but he was fired, investigated and taken to court. On Sunday he had one message to all beleaguered Ministers- step aside, allow independent investigations to clear you. But after Zamba managed to buy off parliament in the first scandal- she is powerful, as we now all know above a lame duck President.
Some lawyers and prominent Malawians are planning to move courts and some demonstrations, maybe when that starts- President Chakwera will realise, impunity is not part of leadership.
Part 3: Closer look at Zambas 600,000 tons of fertiliser contracted granted to the same Sheikh, same fuel account and the state House adviser on the middle of it and how foolishly they believe the gold mine will be used as a conduit.