SKC plea shifted

…ACB asks for more time for disclosure 

…court to hear bail variation July 19

Vice President Saulosi Chilima plea taking in the Economic and Financial Crimes Division of the High Court will have to wait until the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has made full disclosures.

Chilima who was at the High Court in Lilongwe on Monday, sat in the dock  donning a dark navy suit with a light blue shirt and red tie, as his laywers led by Kalekeni Kaphale battled it out with ACB lawyers led by Chrispine Khunga.

High Court Redson  Kapindu has adjourned the case to give the defense ample time to prepare before plea is taken. Kaphale asked for full disclosures.

ACB prosecutor prayed for more time. The court granted the ACB 21 days and the court will convene on August 1 for possible plea taking and directions.

The Vice President who is on bail, wants his bail conditions  varied and will return to court to court for the application on July 19, 2023 at 10 am. 

Dr. Chilima reports to ACB once in three months and surrendered his passport.

The ACB arrested Chilima in November 2022 in  relation  to funds amounting to US$280 000 recieved  from Zuneth Sattar, a Malawian born British business man.

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