Tonse shares public boards

Despite a shaky ground the Tonse Alliance is standing on, at least sharing of public enterprises amongst its key members continue, a sample of leaked boards has shown.

UTM, Peoples Party, Chiefs, religious leaders aligned to Tonse and other smaller parties have dominated the appointments.

ADMARC now battling with its survival as it has its staff home, will be chaired by Former Principal of Bunda College of Agriculture Professor Zachary Mark Kasomekera who will be joined by Zinopa Soko, Tamani Nkhono-Mvula a food security advocate, Chief Mlolo of Lilongwe, Fyness Nyanda, Rev Archwell Katani, Pempho Likongwe and Marc Maleta.

The defunct  national carrier Air Malawi subsidiaries Air Cargo Ltd and Lilongwe Handling Company has their boards leaked, which shows Felix  Tandwe chairing Air Cargo with Jam Kaunda, Rev. William Tembo, Dorothy Chikakula, former Air Malawi CEO capt Lewis Mbilizi, Sheikh Jafaar Kawinga and George Macheka being members.

Lilongwe Handling Company has retained MCP lawyer Gift Nankhuni, with Bibi Kuluunda from Salima, George Mbekeani, Frank Kunje, Rev Martin Mthiko and PPs Beatrice Mwale.

Airport Developments Ltd now has Moffat Chitimbe, Steve Mauluka, Everlyn Tafatatha, Lillian Khofi, Rev. Enson Lwesya and Christopher Chibwana. The energy focused Power Markets Ltd chaired by Colleen Zamba, Secretary to the President and Cabinet will be overseen by Jimmy Lipunga, Peter Nkali, former solicitor general and diplomat Steven Matenje, Ian Bonongwe and Stella Senti.

The National Digital Broadcasting Network which is chaired by the Secretary to the Treasury will have its board comprised of Jennifer Chilunga, a former minister in Peoples Party administration, and Madalitso Chinamale, media expert Wisdom Chimgwede, Anganile Nthakomwa, UTMs Khwesi Msusa and Lawrence Bisika.

Inkosi ya Makhosi Mmbelwa V is now Chairperson of Lilongwe Water Board with fellow Traditional Authority Khongoni being member alongside Maxwell Kapezi, Dr Betchani Tcheleni of MUBAS, Rev Billy Gama, Peter Kamange, Catherine Mzumara of UTM, Bapu Khamisa who is former MP for Thyolo East, Lingalireni Mihowa a close aide of former president Joyce Banda and Innocent Mphote.

The other boards that are filling vacancies include Micheal Nyirenda, Brian Kachisa and Christina Kawala for Tobacco Control Commission, Temwa Kanjaza, Noel Misanjo and James Kamsesa for Civil Aviation Authority, Regina Sambakunsi, Kondwani Banda, McCallum Sibande, Rev P.P.J Kambulire and Gift Chilavulagaga for Greenbelt Authority.

Completing the leaked list is National Herbarium and Botanical Gardens whose chair is Professor Sosten Chiotcha and will be supported Mirriam Ntandama, Pastor Tonny Nyirenda, Wycliff Kumwenda, Gift kadzamira, Prof Weston Mwase and Rev Bazwelo Banda.

Government has been releasing boards in piecemeal and so far, only NOCMA, National Sports Council and National Youth Council of Malawi are known publicly.

The boards were dissolved in August this year and most of them are in red financially.

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