ACB grabs Chief of Staff car

..20 preservation orders against Sattars properties

The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has confiscated the vehicle belonging to President Lazarus Chakweras Chief of Staff, Prince Kapondamgaga.

Kapondamgagas vehicle was pictured by our sources at the ACB offices in Lilongwe on Wednesday where it has been parked.

President Chakwera suspended Kapondamgaga after the ACB fingered  him in its probe  report it presented to him in June 2022.

The vehicle a black Mercedes Benz S class is among several properties the graft busting body has obtained against Malawian born but UK national Zuneth Sattar properties which were published in the local media on Wednesday.

The properties in question includes Orion  Property at Chitipi number 43/1/23, Njewa plot number 44/205 belonging to Sattars Xelite Strips, Imperial Car Sales Plot number 46/113 and Ocean Industries plot number 46/136.

The ACB has also preserved more properties.

We could not get the ACB to comment on the latest seizures but in an earlier response Egrita Ndala the spokesperson said they had preserved 12 properties by April 2023.

“Now the Bureau has been able to obtain 12 preservation orders for a number of properties and is in the process of forfeiting to the Government some of these assets through the courts. These being court processes, we cannot say when the process will be completed but the fact is the processes are moving forward,” she told The Investigator Magazine.

We will update more details as they come.

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