Chilima sees off Chakwera

Vice President Saulosi Chilima was at Kamuzu International Airport   at 1am on Sunday morning to see off President  Lazarus Chakwera who is off to the United States of America for the second edition of the US-Africa summit.

This is Chilimas first official public appearance since the arrest by the Anti Corruption Bureau.

Chilima wearing a long dark winter  coat arrived at the airport without sirens and waited for  Chakwera who turned up around 1.40am.

The President and his Vice spoke briefly before Chakwera departed aboard Kenya Airways flight to Nairobi.

Chakwera, due to mounting public criticism of his frequent travels amidst foreign exchange and economic crisis has opted to leave the country in the middle of the night to avoid booing from Malawians.

Chilima supporters described the gesture as “humbleness.”

Vice President Chilima seeing off his Boss, President Chakwera

By law, in the absence of the President, the Vice President is in charge of State affairs, though previous conflicts between the President and Vice has seen Heads of State bypass  their deputies.

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