Lulu vs Namadingo on stage
…I make good music for my fans, Lulu tells Doc
Forget the crossovers on the last day of 2022, the real interesting night will be at the BICC in the capital where two music giants will share the stage for the first time in years.
Lulu- his real name Lawrence Khwisa is an old established and much loved artist and he is set to face one of the phenomenal growing artist Patience Namadingo who has no patience in boasting of his rising fame.
“Lulu has a lot to learn, if he is humble I will teach him a few things,” Namadingo opened the battle lines during a briefing by Umodzi Park ahead of the music fiesta.
Dressed in his now trademark black suit and unlabelled gold watch, with white shirt and bushy hair, Namadingo set Lulu’s lesson day as 31st December, 2022. There is been social media wars on who is the best between the two artists who fuse RnB with traditional fumes and generally sing in vernacular chichewa.
Namadingo has managed to cross borders and commands a huge following calling him “The Doc” but his career has a few hits one can call “anthems” with Mapulani hit as his highest peak so far. Namadingo has struggled to produce another his single post “mapulani” with fans criticizing one hit after another he has tried to produce. Our advice he needs to cool down a bit and re-energise and hit us with proper successor to mapulani hit.
Lulu on other hand is a music maker and complete entertainment package on stage. He started with Micheal Jackson dance moves he has now mastered the art of ‘sexy dance mixed with light tweaking. Lulu sings, the country sings too the lyrics. He is the “Usher” of Malawi music and always relevant like “Mafikizolo and Casper” are to South African music. Lulu is an anthem producer- every album, his loyal followers have a song to remember, and it is across the generations.
Yet Namadingo says Lulu has a lot to learn if he is humble. The word humble has changed the meaning- Lulu is humble and The Doc is boastful. The Doc documents his life on social media including his latest vehicles and travels. Every post ends with “Doc anavaya”.
Lulu turned down an offer from Namadingo to do a mash up. The producer in him might have sensed the lowering of quality and how Doc successfully Inserts his own words and versions of some great anthems.
Of course the biggest winner of mash ups was legendary Giddes Chalamanda with his “Lilly Ooh” which became a global sensation on social media. Meanwhile, Namadingo has revealed that there is a lot that Lulu needs to learn from him.
“I have learnt a lot from Lulu, but there are areas he could do better. I have gone higher than him in some areas,” boasted Namadingo.
Lulu spotting a black shirt and a checked trousers without a belt and base rocks, smiled looking at Namadingo wondering where the comparisons is coming from.
“I am a good musc producer. I make good music for my fans and for everyone. People should come to listen and enjoy good music and show from Mathumela,” he said.
Faith Mussa, whose last hit anthem was “Amayenda ndi Mdidi” and has announce two songs will come out on the same day including some collaboration with Ben Micheal Mankhamba, will part of the show. Kell Kay, the now household sensation with his silk voice will give the bitter Lulu vs Namadingo fans something to agree with, that better music does not only come from the two.
This is a show not to be missed. Our iDigital crew will present to you our review on January 1, 2023.