K37 million market shed raises eyebrows in Mwanza

People at Nthache Trading centre in Mwanza are disputing the K36.7 million market shed the District Council says it is constructing.

The shed which is roughly 20 metres long will be among one of the most expensive infrastructures in the district  and traders at the market are not buying the costs.

“This shed will only accommodate 10 to 15 traders and you claim to spend K36.7 million. This is how Goverment money is looted,” said a trader at Kabango market when The Investigator Magazine visited the works on Saturday.

The cost of the shed is equivalent to 20 low cost houses Kondwani Kachamba Ngwira is said to have built and close to a completed classroom block with two classrooms according to 2021/2022 budget estimates.

Our investigations show that the project under the World Bank under GESD project has already funded the Council 60 percent of the cost which is K22 million.

The contractor LD Building and Civil Contractors was already paid K10 million for the foundation stage. The company will be paid more as they are at roofing stage.

“The cost is real and from bill of quantities prepared by the publics works,” said a source.

We could not get an official comment from the Council and we will update once we get a response.

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