Kabaza rider gets big, pretends to be Police CID boss

A cycle for hire  operators Ronald Kabwazila has been arrested after posing as head of Criminal Investigations Department in Kasungu at a local hotel.

Kabwazila was arrested in Salima on Sunday and Police only came to know that he was a bicycle operator whose local name is Kabaza after he was reported by suspicious owner of the place.

The 26 year old Kabwazila, according to a report by the Malawi News Agency, booked himself into hotel and asked for a guided tour of the place.

Police publicist for Salima Jacob Khembo told MANAs Fostina Mkandawire that he had identified himself as Head of CID from Kasungu.

Police in Salima have arrested a 26-year-old man, Ronald Kabwazila, for allegedly impersonating a police officer, particularly Head of Criminal Investigations Department (CID) in Kasungu.

He alleged that he was in the district to investigate a case.

“During the evening of February 18, 2023, Kabwazila demanded the receptionist to move with him around the lodge premises so that he becomes familiar with the place,” he said.

The “fake” head of CID boasted to a suspicious receptionist that he had kept his handcuffs and a pistol in his booked room.

The suspicious receptionist alerted his boss who tipped the Police. During the search a knife was recovered, according to the Police.

Kabwazila told the Police he plys his trade at Gundani Location in Kasungu and was in Salima to visit Livingstonia Beach. He hails Ntamba Village in Traditional Authority Kaomba in Kasungu District.

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