Kapondamgaga handed over Sattars Merc

..he will turn to witness

The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) confirmed that State House Chief of Staff Prince Kapondamgaga has handed over a Mercedes Benz S Class 350d he recieved from Zuneth Sattar.

The Bureau said in a statement that the restitution was voluntary and it will not be laying criminal charges against President Lazarus Chakweras righthand man.

Insiders claim Kapondamgaga will become state witness, a matter the ACB could not confirm or deny.

The ACB said Kapondamgaga provided information to the ACB on the dealings with Zuneth Sattar which it found very valuable  raising questions to what was made as part of the deal.

It is not known which cases will be impacted by Kapondamgaga’s turn and his deal will open a pandora against other suspects who could feel uncomfortable with the former strongman talking to the ACB.

“Mr Kapondamgaga voluntarily gave a statement to the ACB and signed a restitution agreement. After a review of the evidence against Mr Kapondamgaga in this case, evaluation of information he provided in respect of  the broader investigation in relation to Zuneth Sattar and restitution agreement…a prosecutorial discretion has been exercised not to lay criminal charges against him,” said the ACB.

It is yet to be seen if the suspended Chief of Staff will finally return to Kamuzu Palace.

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