Kayunis pending arrest prompted Zamba to interdict Chizuma

...Kayuni is threatening to spill the plot

Details have emerged how President Lazarus Chakwera panicked and ordered his Secretary Colleen Zamba to stop pending arrest of Steven Kayuni, the fall guy in the ACB directors arrest.

The ACB on Tuesday obtained a warrant of arrest for Kayuni and state advocate Dziko Malunda over a trip which was supposed to have been undertaken in 2021.

Kayuni and Malunda were supposed to fly to Vienna around 11 June 2021 but whilst in transit in Nairobi they changed their tickets to South Africa.

The two are facing charges of abuse of office and fraud and breach of trust. Kayuni pocketed K5 million for the trip while Malunda pocked K1.9 million.

Kayuni is said to have threatened to reveal the real order in arrest of Chizuma that the OPC machinery immediately drafted an interdiction letter effective the same day the warrant was obtained.

Zamba had consulted Chakwera who has promised to protect Kayuni.

The latest move has led to resignation of Legal Affairs Committee Chair Peter Dimba, an MCP legislator who said he is angry with the manner Chakwera is pretending to fight corruption in Malawi.

Meanwhile the Law Society and eminent Legal Scholar Garton Kamchedzera says Zamba has no powers to interdict Chizuma.

Chizuma remains in office for now.

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