Mutharika shuns Sanjika summit

Former President Peter Mutharika shunned a meeting to discuss the future of the country in the aftermath of the Cyclone Freddy.

But second Republican President Bakili Muluzi and fourth President Joyce Banda joined the incumbent President Lazarus Chakwera at the Sanjika residence.

Most Malawians have expressed displeasure at Mutharikas gesture to avoid meeting fellow leaders at the time the country is reeling from the cyclone Freddy effects.

President Muluzi said it was a duty of every Malawian to help in whatever way to mitigate the impact of the Cyclone.

Muluzi said he had written to freinds of Malawi all over the world to seek help and some were responding positively.

President Chakwera said he tapped from the wisdom of President Muluzi and President Banda on how to help in recovery of those affected.

A highly placed source said Mutharika who is President Chakweras predecessor is “bitter” against the treatment the current regime is giving him.

“The old man feels this administration is bent on harassing him. That’s why he can’t attend,” said a source close to Mutharika.

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