National Hall of Fame

National Services to Sports and Games

Meke Mwase: He inspired as a national football coach a team that would return to African Nations Cup after many years of absence. His work as a local and national football coach has been remarkable for since he retired from active football.

Walter Nyamilandu: Football Association of Malawi’s longest serving president has brought back sponsorship to football and managed to get funding for the national team. His leadership has seen the National Team rebrand and the FA become one of the influential bodies in the region. He is the first Malawian to have a seat at the FIFA council. He has also served at Confederation of African Football executive bringing Malawi to the international decision making of football.

Nyasa Big Bullets: The Peoples Team has the past two football season led football as the domestic powerhouse. It is a team that has produced most national team call ups and has tremendously contributed to the growth and success of Malawi football.

Mwawi Kumwenda: Malawi’s first international netball export has always remained a strong supporter of her colleagues playing in Malawi. She combines her game with philanthropy which has seen her invest in schools which she was educated in and also in promotion of netball across Malawi.

Hellings Frank Gabadihno Mhango : Malawis best export in football over the past five years, “Gaba” makes a story that relates to many young Malawians. He has achieved in football a combination of dreams and aspirations of many young footballers inspired by him. He continues to contribute to success of Malawi at every game.

Special mention

Tabitha Chawinga: Womens Football is never complete without the inclusion of her exploits that has led her to be the first international export. Her success everywhere she has been has brought pride and inspired many young Malawians to venture into womens football. She is the pioneer of the game.

Luis Yumbe :  Salima Sugar, Dedza Dynamons Patron, he started and built a powerhouse football club that has maintained its status in the Super League. The team continues to build a reputation as not a simple walk over. Based in a rural setting, this is the only team among its peers of first timers rise to position 9 in the 2022 Super League table.

Hon. Mike Bango M.P: Football commentary that has changed how people listen or watch football. Using vernacular Chichewa, Hon Bango has localised commentary standards that now many would prefer to listen to local language. He continues to offer his services even to local communities.

Mary Waya : After her services to the nation, Mary continues to bring Malawi Netball to global audience. Coaching and scouting for teams in the UK and across the world, she remains one legend Netball will always depend on.

Steve Liwewe Banda: He has remained the voice of football on radio. He continues to bring to Malawians live action in a manner that audience visualises the game. His love of game and critic of the play makes him one of the best commentators Malawi has ever produced.

Mibawa Television: Their sports broadcast, analysis and programming continues to make a mark in the world of sports. A must to watch or follow station if one wants complete sports coverage.

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