Police hunt, arrest  Zigoba

The Malawi Police Service (MPS)  say they are hunting for people with ghost accounts on social media platforms that are being used to defame, extort and stalk innocent people.

The Police have disclosed that they  have so far arrested several people for defamation, others for extortion.

The iDigital can add that a Malawi Congress Party media team member in Mzuzu was arrested and bailed by Police on Tuesday and that his house was searched and 3 sim cards were recovered during the search.

In a statement posted on their social media page, Police claim it has recieved complaints regarding fake accounts created by people who use them to defame, extort and cyber bullying other users.

Fake accounts are popularly known as zigoba after masks people wear to hide their faces.

“Police in Blantyre arrested a young  man who was using his account with a fake name to trick young men and girls that he would find them blessers/lovers and duped each of them K10,000 alleged connection fee,” said the Police without naming the individual.

The statement adds that on Saturday, December 10, 2022, the Police also arrested two young men in Blantyre for defamation. They have been allegedly using their facebook accounts bearing fake names to falsely attack and defame Prophet Shepherd Bushiri. 

“The two are Aubrey Alfonso, 23 of Chinyama Village, Traditional Authority Mabuka in Mulanje and Leonard Lungu, 22 of Mazengera Village, Traditional Authority Mponela in Dowa. They have since been released on police bail,” reads the statement. 

Use of fake or bogus accounts has been on rise on Twitter and Facebook platforms where people have  created false accounts for politicians and prominent persons in society 

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