Zamba summoned by Parliament

…Buluma inquiry want NOCMA Board, Chikuni

…Malawians eager to know “Chief”

It never rains but pours for Secretary to the President and Cabinet Colleen Zamba as the parliamentary committee investigating her role in a botched fuel procurement deal want her to appear for a public hearing on the matter.

Zamba initially shunned the inquiry which was told by the acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Hellen Buluma that the SPC put pressure on her to award fuel contracts illegally to a person she identified as “Chief” and another Abhu Dhabi financed oil deal to be handled by her protégé identified as Eva Kamwangala.

Chairperson of the Inquiry Joyce Chitsulo confirmed to The Investigator Magazine that her committee had written to Speaker Catherine Hara Gotani to summon Zamba and others to hear their side of story. She said she expects those summoned to comply.

“We have written, and we expect that those invited will honour parliament,” said Chitsulo.

The Investigator Magazine has been informed by reliable sources that “Chief” is a highly placed Malawian who was in Zamba’s office whilst she met Buluma. The sources allege that the “Chief” appeared after their meeting with Zamba to press her fire Buluma was unceremoniously cancelled after waiting for her at her office.

She said the committee expects Zamba to appear before it along side the entire NOCMA Board and will also give chance to Dedza South MP Ishmael Onani to give his version of events after Buluma named him as being another politician who put her under pressure for refusing to grant access to NOCMA fuel facilities at Chipoka.

Secretary for Energy Alfonso Chikuni who had confirmed that he would attend the hearing decided to join Zamba in shunning the committee alongside all public officials. The Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda had written to stop the inquiry. The committee rejected Nyirendas advice.

If the committee presses on to hear from Kamwangala and “Chief” Malawians will get a glimpse of the new cartel that has dominated contracts in fertilizer, energy and construction projects that is said to be affiliated to the State House.

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